
The Pink House Chronicles


  • Story AlexB 20191227

Story AlexB 20191227

Wednesday 1st January 2020

Hear AlexB's inspiring journey from addiction to recovery on The Pink House Chronicles, focusing on self-kindness and helping others.
37 minutes

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The Pink House Chronicles
Sobriety Success Stories
Creative Recovery Journeys
Family Recovery from Addiction
Sexual Empowerment & Identity
Empowering Recovery Journeys
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AlexB's Road to Sobriety: A Story of Triumph Over Addiction

I just never want to feel this way ever again. I was like: take the bad and the good, if there's some, and then I don't remember what I did the rest of The Day, but I remember when I woke up.
Ever wondered what it takes to claw your way back from the depths of addiction? In this episode of 'The Pink House Chronicles', AlexB opens up about their harrowing yet inspiring journey from rock bottom to recovery. This isn't just another tale of struggle; it's a raw, unfiltered account of hitting the lowest points and finding the strength to rise again. AlexB takes listeners through their first encounter with alcohol, a seemingly innocent moment that quickly spiraled into full-blown addiction.
As if battling alcoholism wasn't enough, AlexB also grappled with drug use, adding another layer of complexity to their struggle. But the story doesn't end in despair. A spiritual awakening became the turning point for AlexB, helping them to see a glimmer of hope in an otherwise dark world. They emphasize the importance of self-kindness and how helping others became a cornerstone of their recovery process.
AlexB's journey is a powerful reminder that no matter how deep the pit, there's always a way out. If you're looking for a story that combines raw honesty with genuine hope, this episode is a must-listen.