How Narcissistic Abuse Alters Your Brain: A Deep Dive into the Amygdala
The amygdala will quite literally be hijacked and it'll be in constant fight or flight response. So there will always be a threat, or at least a perceived threat, and ultimately anything that triggers the wounds, the emotional pain, is going to be seen as something that needs to be protected against and defended.
Picture this: Your brain is a bustling city, with highways of neurons zipping around, carrying thoughts and emotions. Now imagine if those highways were constantly bombarded with negative experiences. This is what happens to the amygdala, the emotional hub of our brain, when subjected to narcissistic abuse. In this eye-opening episode of the 'Narcissism Recovery Podcast', Yitz Epstein takes us on a journey through the neural pathways that get tangled up when a child faces continuous emotional wounding. The result?
An overreactive amygdala that can cloud judgment and lead to extreme stress and hypervigilance. Yitz explains how this relentless emotional bombardment can leave victims feeling overwhelmed and stuck in a state of perpetual alertness, often resembling symptoms of PTSD. But there’s hope. By working through painful emotions and allowing the logical brain to step in, healing can begin. Yitz advocates for mind map therapy, a method that helps rewire the brain and create new, healthier thought patterns.
Whether you're dealing with past trauma or supporting someone who is, this episode offers valuable insights and practical advice on navigating the path to recovery.