Dave and Chris

Dopey: On the Dark Comedy of Drug Addiction

Dave and Chris

  • Dopey: On the Dark Comedy of Drug Addiction

Dopey: On the Dark Comedy of Drug Addiction

Join Dave and Chris on 'Dopey' as they blend humor with serious discussions about addiction, recovery, and the struggles in between.
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Family & Relationships
Creativity & Innovation
Financial Empowerment

Dopey: Laughing Through the Struggles of Addiction

Ever thought about how humor can be a lifeline in the darkest times? 'Dopey: On the Dark Comedy of Drug Addiction' is a podcast that does just that. Hosted by Dave and Chris, this show dives into the gritty world of addiction with a twist of dark comedy. The duo shares their own wild stories of substance use, blending raw honesty with laugh-out-loud moments. Whether it's tales of tripping on 2CB at Chuck E.
Cheese or hiding from the cops after a cocaine binge, each episode is packed with outrageous anecdotes that will leave you chuckling and reflecting at the same time. But Dopey isn't just about laughs. It also tackles serious topics like homelessness, overdose, and the challenges of sobriety. With over 400 episodes, there's no shortage of content to explore. You'll hear from guests like Andre Royo, who opens up about his recovery journey after playing Bubbles on 'The Wire', and Dr.
Drew Pinsky, who shares his insights on addiction treatment. What sets Dopey apart is its unique blend of humor and heart. The podcast never shies away from the harsh realities of addiction, but it also finds light in the darkest moments. It's a show that resonates with anyone who's been touched by substance abuse, offering both a sense of solidarity and a much-needed laugh.
Whether you're in recovery, supporting someone who is, or just curious about the complexities of addiction, 'Dopey' is a must-listen.