Laura McKowen & Holly Whitaker

HOME Podcast

Laura McKowen & Holly Whitaker

  • HOME Podcast

HOME Podcast

Join Laura McKowen and Holly Whitaker on 'HOME Podcast' for heartfelt talks on addiction recovery, mental health, relationships, and personal growth.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Financial Empowerment
Health & Wellness

Life's Big Questions Through Addiction Recovery on HOME Podcast

Curious about how addiction recovery intersects with life's biggest questions? 'HOME Podcast' with Laura McKowen and Holly Whitaker takes you on a journey through the heart of these issues. Each week, Laura and Holly dive into candid discussions about love, relationships, self-care, and the universe at large, all seen through the lens of their personal sobriety journeys. The hosts bring a raw and authentic perspective that makes each episode feel like a heart-to-heart conversation with a friend.
With intro and outro music by Radiation City, the podcast sets a reflective and engaging tone right from the start. What makes 'HOME Podcast' stand out is its ability to tackle heavy topics without feeling overwhelming. Whether it's exploring the impact of Instagram on self-worth or discussing the nuances of the opiate epidemic, Laura and Holly keep things relatable and grounded.
They also welcome a diverse range of guests, from neuroscience journalist Maia Szalavitz to the Hawkins sisters, who share their own powerful stories of addiction and recovery. Listeners will find themselves nodding along to discussions about work-life balance, dealing with fear, and finding hope in the darkest times. The show doesn't shy away from the tough stuff but always leaves room for laughter and light moments.
If you're looking for a podcast that offers both depth and warmth, 'HOME Podcast' is your go-to listen.