Valerie Ricchuito


Valerie Ricchuito

  • Valorious


Join Valerie Ricchuito on 'Valorious' for raw, honest tales of addiction recovery filled with dark humor and personal insights.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Health & Wellness
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Family & Relationships

Valorious: Raw Tales of Recovery and Resilience

Curious about the raw, unfiltered reality of addiction recovery? 'Valorious' offers a candid glimpse into the life of Valerie Ricchuito, a 22-year-old navigating the tumultuous waters of sobriety with dark humor and plenty of stories. Valerie's honesty and wit make each episode a compelling listen, as she shares her personal battles with addiction, depression, and the journey to finding purpose beyond mere survival.
She doesn't shy away from discussing the hard truths, like facing past mistakes and the dangers of self-comparison. Instead, she embraces them, offering listeners a sense of camaraderie and hope. Whether it's her reflections on toxic relationships or the importance of community support, Valerie's experiences are both relatable and inspiring. 'Valorious' stands out for its unique perspective—straight from someone who has lived through it, rather than a professional observer.
If you're seeking an authentic voice that speaks directly from the heart, 'Valorious' is a podcast you won't want to miss.