Karl Considine

What Next

Karl Considine

  • What Next

What Next

Join Karl Considine on 'What Next' for inspiring sober stories that offer heart and hope. Perfect for those exploring or committed to sobriety.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Creativity & Innovation
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Health & Wellness

What Next: Sober Stories with Heart and Hope

Curious about how sobriety can transform lives? 'What Next' hosted by Karl Considine, offers a heartfelt look into the journeys of those who have chosen a life without alcohol. Karl, now three years sober, shares his personal experiences alongside weekly stories from diverse guests. From former DJs to fitness coaches, each episode dives into the unique paths people take towards sobriety. The show covers everything from mental health challenges to the joys of newfound wellness.
With a warm and non-judgmental approach, 'What Next' aims to inspire and support anyone curious about or committed to a sober lifestyle. Whether you're seeking tips, motivation, or just a sense of community, this podcast has something for you.