The Secret Sauce to Effective Exposure Therapy
When we do exposure, we're exposing ourselves not to a context or a situation or a task. So that is the important part, and when you do scary things, you will in fact be scared.
Ever felt like you're doing all the right things in exposure therapy but not seeing any progress? You're not alone. In this episode of 'The Anxious Truth', Drew Linsalata dives deep into why your efforts might not be paying off and what you can do about it. It's not just about facing your fears; it's about doing it the right way. Drew breaks down the two crucial elements of successful exposure therapy: willingness and acceptance.
Willingness means being ready to consistently face your anxiety triggers, even if you're not thrilled about it. Acceptance involves understanding that these experiences will be challenging and embracing that discomfort as part of the process. Drew also sheds light on the common mistake of doing 'half exposures', where you go through the motions without fully engaging with the fear. This episode is a must-listen for anyone struggling to make exposure therapy work for them.
It's packed with practical advice and real-life examples to help you turn those half-hearted attempts into full-fledged steps toward recovery. Whether you're new to exposure therapy or have been at it for a while, Drew's insights could be the game-changer you've been looking for.