Tommy Rosen

In The Circle

Tommy Rosen

  • In The Circle

In The Circle

Join Tommy Rosen, a renowned yoga teacher and addiction recovery expert, on the In The Circle podcast as he explores how to move from recovery to discovery and thrive in life. Listen now.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Creativity & Innovation
Health & Wellness
Family & Relationships
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery

In The Circle: A Podcast Series on Recovery and Thriving in Life

In The Circle is not your typical addiction recovery podcast series. Hosted by Tommy Rosen, an internationally acclaimed yoga teacher and addiction recovery expert, it goes beyond the surface-level discussions of substance abuse. Instead, it takes a deep dive into the struggles of the human condition that each one of us can relate to on some level.
Through insightful conversations with guests from all walks of life who have successfully overcome their addictions, In The Circle covers topics such as normalization of alcohol in society, signs of relapse and how to avoid them, high bottoms and addiction, grief and loss in recovery, conscious separation - among many others.
You will be able to learn about different aspects that contribute to developing an addictive behavior pattern while also discovering strategies for overcoming them. You will also gain insights into what true freedom means after moving past addiction identity.
One unique aspect of this series is its focus on moving beyond abstinence towards discovery through growth and expansion in all areas of life. It explores concepts like Vairagya (non-attachment) which are helpful not only for those recovering from substance abuse but for anyone seeking deeper meaning in their lives.
Tommy's calm demeanor creates a safe space where guests feel comfortable sharing their stories; that becomes evident once you listen closely enough. His voice exudes warmth as he guides listeners through thought-provoking discussions around relationships with foodsexand relationships both with oneself as well as others along with other existential issues faced by everyone at some point or another.
Whether you're someone struggling with substance abuse or someone looking for inspiration on how to lead an authentic life free from societal pressure; whether you've been sober for decades or just starting your journey towards sobriety - there's something here for everyone.
The In The Circle podcast series is proof that healing can happen within one conversation at a time if we let it manifest organically without force or control.