Florence Christophers

The Kick Sugar Coach Podcast

Florence Christophers

  • The Kick Sugar Coach Podcast

The Kick Sugar Coach Podcast

Discover the power of whole foods and the journey to recovery from sugar addiction in The Kick Sugar Coach Podcast. Listen to experts share their insights on improving mental health, breaking free from diet culture, and embracing self-care.
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The Kick Sugar Coach Podcast: Breaking Free from Sugar Addiction

Are you struggling with sugar addiction? Do you find it hard to reduce or eliminate your consumption of refined carbohydrates? If so, then The Kick Sugar Coach Podcast is for you. Hosted by various experts in the field of nutrition and addiction recovery, this podcast series offers information and inspiration on how to unhook yourself from sugar's seductive grip and fall in love with whole foods.
As we all know, sugar is addictive and linked to modern chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, depression, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease and more. However it flies under the radar when it comes to being recognized as an addictive substance just like alcohol or drugs.
In each episode of The Kick Sugar Coach Podcast series which features a range of guests including doctors specializing in addiction studies , authors who have written books about overcoming food addictions , medical intuitive's & other wellness professionals sharing their tips for reducing or eliminating our consumption of refined carbohydrates are highlighted giving listeners insight into what has worked for others . With a variety of topics covered including sleep habits , hydration techniques etc - there really is something here for everyone looking improve both mental & physical health while freeing themselves from an unhealthy relationship with sugary snacks .
You will hear inspiring stories about individuals who have overcome their sugar addiction through abstinence or by embracing whole foods. Experts will share their insights on topics such as understanding food addiction; dealing with social situations involving sugary treats; identifying emotions that trigger cravings; exploring the connection between bullying/trauma & food addictions; how micronutrients can play a role in reducing stress/cravings etc - all aimed at helping listeners break free from diet culture & start making healthier choices when it comes down what they put into their bodies.
With over 20 episodes available now featuring different approaches towards recovery from sugar addiction & diverse perspectives shared by our guest speakers - there's never been a better time than now explore this exciting resource! Not only will you learn about ways improve your own personal wellbeing but also discover some amazing facts around sustainable farming practices healthy soil management techniques too!