Jessica Hamm

The Cozy Couch

Jessica Hamm

  • The Cozy Couch

The Cozy Couch

Join Dr. Jessica Hamm on 'The Cozy Couch' for a light-hearted, relatable approach to mental health, addiction, stress, relationships, and life balance.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Health & Wellness
Family & Relationships
Financial Empowerment
Sexual Health & Wellbeing

The Cozy Couch: Simplifying Mental Health and Wellness with Dr. Jessica Hamm

How do you make sense of life's chaos without getting bogged down by clinical jargon? 'The Cozy Couch' with Dr. Jessica Hamm is here to help. As an experienced therapist and yoga instructor, Dr. Hamm offers a refreshing, down-to-earth approach to tackling mental health, addiction, stress, relationships, and life balance. Each episode feels like a warm chat with a friend who genuinely understands your struggles and offers practical, relatable advice. From coping with the pandemic to finding work-life balance, Dr.
Hamm covers it all with a light touch that makes even the heaviest topics feel manageable. Whether you're dealing with toxic people or just trying to set daily intentions, 'The Cozy Couch' provides tips and strategies that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Dr. Hamm's unique blend of professional expertise and personal warmth makes this podcast a must-listen for anyone looking to improve their mental well-being without feeling overwhelmed.